Communication design
w/ Nerea de Lezana

Water's dual nature—both destructive and creative—is perhaps best embodied in sedimentary rocks. Adorned with colors that hint at bygone eras, these rocks showcase the traces of newer and ancient times. Inspired by water's transformative process, we sought to emulate it in our own creation of sedimentary "rocks"—trying to follow the same process: grinding, depositing, forming. To destroy in order to build.

Our experimentation begins with the literal breakdown of materials: grinding, crushing, and transforming substances into powder. Employing a range of elements such as mortar, ceramics, earth, and pigments, we echo the elemental processes of nature. Recognizing the pre-existing erosion in these materials, we draw parallels to water's gradual sculpting of landscapes, forming valleys, canyons, and sandy shores. Water's dance of destruction and creation is a timeless mortar that grinds without hands.

Technologic sedimentation aims to replicate the erosion-sedimentation cycle through human intervention.
 The result materializes in slip bricks of various hues—blue, yellow, natural, and red—representing different layers of the natural sedimentation process. Randomly mixed, they form diverse patterns, echoing the passage of erosion-sedimentation cycles. The brick's fundamental yet regular shape represents human influence in this intricate development.

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